Various Published Documentation

Speeches/Articles by Chief Justice Gageler AC


‘The State of the Australian Judicature in 2024’ (Address, Australian Judicial Officers Association Colloquium, Canberra, 12 October 2024) [fully referenced version] (PDF)

‘The State of the Australian Judicature in 2024’ (2024) 98(12) Australian Law Journal 885 (PDF)

“The New Constitutional Scholarship in Australia” 2024 48 (1) Melbourne University Law Review 2024. (PDF)

Book Foreword, Dennis C Pearce, “Statutory Interpretation in Australia“ Tenth edition (50th anniversary edition) (Lexis Nexis, Australia 2024). (PDF)

“Remembering Sir Cyril Walsh KBE” (2024) 98 Australian Law Journal 619. (PDF)

“In Conversation with Stephen Gageler, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia” (2024) Judicature International

“John Doyle Oration” 6 April 2024 (PDF)


“Administrative Law in the Common law tradition” (2023) 53 Australian Bar Review 1. (PDF)

Book Foreword,  Benjamin B Saunders, “Responsible Government and the Australian Constitution: A Government for a Sovereign People” (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law, 2023) (PDF)

Book Launch, “Dynamic and Principled: The Influence of Sir Anthony Mason”, Ben Chen and Jeffrey Gordon (eds) (2023) 52 Australian Bar Review 450. (PDF)

“The Legacy of Sir Gerard Brennan to Australian Public Law” (2023) 33 Public Law Review 303. (PDF)

“Integrating the Australian judicial system” (2023) 15(1) The Judicial Review 21 (PDF)

Judicial Legitimacy”, (2023) 97 (1) Australian Law Journal 28 (PDF)


Book Review, " Public Finance and Parliamentary Constitutionalism" (2022) 46(1) Melbourne University Law Review 320. (PDF)

“Just versus Quick: Constructivist and Ecological Rationality in a Common Law System” (2022) 45(2) Melbourne University Law Review 830. (PDF)

“The Coming of Age of Australian Law” in McDonald, Chen & Gordon (eds) Dynamic and Principled: The Influence of Sir Anthony Mason (The Federation Press, 2022). (PDF)

“Law in a time of COVID”, Victorian Bar News Issue 171 – Winter 2022 (PDF)


Book Review, " Australian Contract Law in the 21st Century" (2022) (1) Cambridge Law Journal 81. (PDF )


Review Essay, “Judging the New by the Old in the Judicial Review of Executive Action” (2020) Sydney Law Review 42 (4). (PDF)

"Commentary on Chapter 5" in John Griffiths and James Stellios (eds), Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law (The Federation Press, 2020). (PDF)

"Engineers: The Drama of its Day in the Climate of its Era" (2020) 31 Public Law Review 4. (PDF)

“A Tale of Two Ships: The MV Tampa and the SS Afghan” (2019) 40 (3) Adelaide Law Review 615. (PDF)


“Small Steps and Giant Leaps: Patterns in Australian Constitutional Adjudication” (2019) 19 Macquarie Law Journal 15. (PDF)

“Alternative Facts in the Courts” (2019) 93 Australian Law Journal 585 (PDF)

“Three is Plenty” (2019) in G Weeks and M Groves (eds), Administrative Redress In and Out of the Courts: Essays in Honour of Robin Creyke and John McMillan (Federation Press, 2019) (PDF)


“Truth and justice, and sheep” (2018) 46 Australian Bar Review 205 (PDF)

"Expansion of the Fiduciary Paradigm into Commercial Relationships: The Australian Experience" in Peter Devonshire and Rohan Havelock (eds), The Impact of Equity and Restitution in Commerce (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2018) (PDF 626K)

Sir Robert Garran: Medio Tutissimus Ibis"  (2018) 46 Federal Law Review 1 (PDF 265K)

"Comparative Constitutional Law" in The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution by Cheryl Saunders and Adrienne Stone (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2018 (PDF 176K)

"The Section 92 Revolution" in James Stellios (ed), Encounters with Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Education: Essays in Honour of Michael Coper (The Federation Press, 2018) 26 (PDF 680K)


"Evidence and truth" (2017) 13 (3) The Judicial Review 249 (PDF 86K)

Chapter IV: The Inter-State Commission and the Regulation of Trade and Commerce under the Australian Constitution (2017) 28 Public Law Review  205 (PDF 100K)

"When the High Court Went on Strike" (2017) 40 Melbourne University Law Review 1098 (PDF 4004K)

Book Review, "Controlling Administrative Power: An Historical Comparison" (2017) The Cambridge Law Journal 76 (2) (PDF 57K)


"The Equitable Duty of Loyalty in Public Office" in Bonyhady (ed,) Finn's Law: An Australian Justice , (Federation Press, 2016). (PDF 730K)

Book Review, "Damages and Human Rights" (2016) 27 Public Law Review  327. (PDF 80K)

'What it is to be a government lawyer' This article is taken from the speech given on the occasion of the launch in April 2016 of 'Without fear or favour: The life of Dennis John Rose AM QC' by Carmel Meiklejohn, Reproduced courtesy of Australian Government Solicitor magazine © Commonwealth of Australia 2016 (PDF 404K)

The intersection of the common law, statute law and notions of fairness    [2016] IFL 15. (PDF 60K)


Whitmore and the Americans: Some American Influences on the Development of Australian Administrative Law" (2015) 38 UNSW Law Journal  1316 (PDF 1140K)

 'Legislative Intention' (2015) 41 Monash University Law Review 1. (PDF 742K)

"The Master of Words: Who Chooses Statutory Meaning" in Connolly and Steward (eds), Public Law in the Age of Statutes, Essays in Honour of Dennis Pearce (Federation Press, 2015) (PDF 1758K)

"James Bryce and the Australian Constitution" (2015) 43 Federal Law Review 177 (PDF 315K)

"Pearls of Wisdom" (2015) 13 Law Society of NSW Journal 21 (PDF 2018K)

"Deference" (2015) 22 Australian Journal of Administrative Law 151 (PDF 193K)


"The Constitutional Dimension" in M Groves (ed), "Modern Administrative Law in Australia: Concepts and Contexts" (2014) (PDF 824K)

 "Collective Irrationality and the Doctrine of Precedent" (2014) 38 Melbourne University Law Review 525 (with Dr Brendan Lim) (PDF 277k)

"Why Write Judgments?" (2014) 36 Sydney Law Review 189 (PDF 412k)

"What is a Question of Law?" (2014) 43 Australian Tax Review 68 (PDF 93k)

"What is Information Technology Doing to the Common Law?" (2014) 39 Australian Bar Review 146 (PDF 82k)



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30 MAY 2008


The Honourable Justice Kiefel

High Court of Australia